What tests would suit the following scenarios:
I would like the most comprehensive test for my baby.
- The Complete Plus is the most comprehensive NIPT package that covers all chromosomes, 9 micro-deletions and single gene disorders including common inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia.
I would like the basic package that replicates the NHS NIPT test for high risk mothers.
- The PrenatalSAFE 3 & 5 are our basic packages that would come closest to the NHS test. The PrenatalSAFE 3 covers the common trisomies 13, 18 and 21. Whilst the PrentalSAFE 5 covers these whilst also screening sex aneuploidies. The sex of the baby can also be requested.
My ethnic group has a high incidence rate of either sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis or thalassemia, can we test my baby for these single gene disorders?
- The Complete or Complete Plus packages will test for these inherited disorders. The difference between the Complete and Complete Plus is that the Complete Plus package includes our 9 micro deletion panel whilst the Complete does not. If you are not interested in screening for micro-deletions then choose the Complete screen.
- You could also potentially choose the Full Risk screen which adds a carrier screen for the parents onto the Complete Plus package. This would screen both parents, and the baby, to see if they are carriers for any of the common inherited single gene disorders such as sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and thalassemia.
What would you describe as the most cost effective test?
- The Karyo Plus is a mid tier test in terms of cost but covers 99.1% of all chromosomal abnormalities observed at birth. It screens all chromosomes and includes our 9 micro-deletion panel.
What is the lowest cost test ?
- The PrenatalSAFE 3 test is our lowest cost test and covers the basic trisomies 13, 18 and 21. It also allows for sex of the baby to be requested.
Please refer to our table below for more testing options and what they include.